Tuesday Garden Activities

Tuesday was a super busy day for our garden! We watered, trimmed, tasted, planted, transplanted, and composted!

The day started by tasting a few of our plants, noticing that the texture was a little chalky and the taste a little bitter. We think that some of the plants may have been in too small of a container while they grew, so the normal taste may have been lost. At the same time, the cabbage wasn’t “bad” necessarily, but it simply tasted different than what we may have come to know as “normal” for cabbage. We realized that it was probably a good idea to collect the plants that seemed to be outgrowing their current potting situation.



Our collection of plants that needed transplanting!

Our collection of plants that needed transplanting!

We went around and collected a number of the plants that were definitely beginning to burst out of their improvised pots. Unfortunately we weren’t able to transplant everything, but I think that we were able to salvage a few plants.

Some of the cabbage found a new home!

Some of the cabbage found a new home!

Due to the strange weather patterns, some of the cabbage began to grow tall and woody, signs that it would not be very productive, but that we would be able to collect seeds from them. Perhaps we can start up our own small version of a seed bank in the near future!

We also noted that while the radish growing in one of the beds was doing super well, it was time to thin out the crop to ensure that each plant had enough space to grow. In the same bed, Professor explained that buckwheat, while growing, is generally a plant to regenerate soil, which is not totally necessary for our new environment. We were able to replant seeds in that area, though I’m unsure what we ended up placing there.

Radish and Buckwheat are growing! They might be a little hard to see...

Radish and Buckwheat are growing! They might be a little hard to see…

Of course we had to water! Most of the plants are looking fairly healthy, so we must be doing something right!

Watering like a boss!

Watering like a boss!

After the build this past weekend, we have a few more beds in the garden, which is super exciting. We planted all sorts of seeds within our new bed, but had to transplant some plants on top of some of the seeds, we’ll see if they sprout anyways.

Planting some new seeds!

Planting some new seeds!

We had a great opportunity to help develop some of our compost as well, adding in some less than vibrant plant material, and mixing everything around. It was hard work!




Make sure it's like a damp sponge!

Make sure it’s like a damp sponge!

A major project throughout the day revolved around the very successful blueberry plants growing in pots all around the garden. We decided to plant them near the front fence by the pomelo tree, and it was no easy task. Collectively we dug out 6 spots for the plants, and transplanted them into the ground, being sure to provide plenty of water so that they could continue to flourish. Hopefully we’ll have some blueberries to eat soon!

Extracting the plants from their pots...

Extracting the plants from their pots…

Planning for the operation...

Planning for the operation…



More digging!

More digging!

Even more digging!

Even more digging!

All planted! Time to water!

All planted! Time to water!

Mission accomplished.

Mission accomplished.

Last, but not least, James mentioned the plans for a new bed with an attached bench, currently being stained to match the other redwood. The garden is shaping up to be a great place to relax and enjoy!

Looking good!!

Looking good!!